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Recently, I have been pondering anger, how I express it and the jackal story I tell myself about it. Marshall Rosenberg taught that anger is a natural emotion that is based on a judgment of someone else or myself. I agree with this, so I have been doing some “enemy images” and self-empathy work (and praying for those who are most likely to be the recipients of my anger). My goal was to clear my judgments and take responsibility for my “stuff.” It has helped a lot, and yet I still feel a general anger in me that is not directly related to anyone or any specific situation.


It is 5:30 in the morning. I am sitting in a medical facility waiting for my wife, Kim, who has just gone in for a minor surgical procedure. I have only had a couple of hours of sleep and I can barely keep my eyes open. I am not very worried, but am a little worried about Kim. The kind of worry that happens to me when anyone I love (human or animal) is put “under” anesthesia.


When a participant disagrees, corrects you, or offers a suggestion for improvement, how do you respond? As a facilitator, you need to make decisions in the moment of what you will choose to respond to and what you choose to let go of. In this video, Mary offers her insight into how she chooses to respond in these situations. 


Mary's Letter

2 Minutes

That is my mantra this year. It came to me when I was headed somewhere to do something that I had wanted to do, and yet I was feeling annoyed about it because traffic was heavy and overwhelming. I then gave myself a few moments of self-empathy where I connected to the deeper needs that were propelling me to do the thing in the first place. In an instant, my annoyance and looming resentment slipped away and I felt happy and relaxed.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to talking about power and privilege. Context, purpose, who is present and why all play a part in how you can orient to these conversations. In this video, Miki describes the deep considerations she makes when discussing this topic with others and in her leadership training.


Mary's Letter

2 Minutes

I greatly enjoyed my New Year’s Peace Meditation yesterday as it brings together NVC enthusiasts from across the world. It is one of my favorite traditions for welcoming the New Year!


Some people assume that restorative circles and mediation are synonymous. Ceri, Jo, and Sarah are here to show that they are much more different than some may think. Watch this video to understand the distinctions around roles, settings, processes, and the people involved in mediation versus restorative circles.


The human species is trained and habituated towards separation. This model encourages humans to either give up on their needs or fight for their needs. In this short video, Miki shares how increasing capacity shifts habits of separation and supports holding of all needs.


Resonant language is language that takes us out of the static brain space and into the brain’s fluid space. In this video, Sarah describes the basics of resonant language and how, when you start to move into the fluid space of the right brain hemisphere, everything starts to change.    


In this excerpt, David demonstrates a gratitude practice called “The Hollow Bone”. Use this practice to appreciate your heart, this Earth, all that came before you, all your relationships, and to open yourself up to possibilities in your life.



So many conversations get stuck when there are differences in opinions. Most people tend to try to convince the other person or withdraw from the conversation entirely. In this clip, Yoram discusses how you can go behind the opinions in order to see the needs of the human being.


How can you embody the spirit of NVC through body-mind awareness? In this video, Mina Mo leads participants in ways of moving the body in a way that builds awareness of what is happening inside. These practices show how you can learn to really listen to your body and trust it.


We each have the power to be the creator of our own inner experience, no matter what is going on externally. The moment you imply wrongness on others, you give power to them. In this excerpt, Aya Caspi shows that the more self-responsibility you take, the more freedom you will have.  


How can you work together with your children to solve problems? In this video, Lisa shares a story about the challenges of navigating schooling on zoom and keeping her child’s creativity and interest alive. By inviting your children into the solution space and giving them the freedom to be themselves, you provide the capacity for trust so that you can solve the problem together and in a way that is tailored to their strengths. 
